Why jogging doesn't help you lose weight


You have just jogged 6 miles or cycled 15 miles. You deserve a splurge for lunch or dinner or dessert. Right?

No, you are wrong.

A recent article explains why. In essence, the body compensates for the calories burned during exercise by reducing the calories expended in non-exercise metabolism. The result is a net caloric burn of ZERO.

As noted by the author of the study: “Losing weight – or preventing weight gain – really is as simple as eating fewer calories than you expend. But you can’t “earn” that dessert/ takeaway/ glass of wine by going for a run.”

I have been espousing this approach for over a decade. You must reduce your caloric intake to lose weight. Exercise your way into weight loss doesn’t work (with the possible exception of high-intensity interval training - HIIT).

Don’t get me wrong. Exercise is crucial for fitness, bone strength, muscle development and a clear head. Just not for weight loss.

Jeff Edman